10th Annual La Mancha Awards
October 19, 2017 @ 6:00PM — 8:00PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Casa Cornelia Law Center bestows the Annual La Mancha Awards in recognition of outstanding contribution to our mission, while raising vital funding for the free humanitarian legal services we provide our clients. Like the ubiquitous Don Quixote, Casa Cornelia's dedicated volunteers and supporters dare to dream impossible dreams and "tilt at windmills" on behalf of those that cannot.

Our Ninth Annual La Mancha Awards was the most successful yet, because of the incredible generosity of so many!
For our 10th Annual La Mancha Awards, we have raised our goal to $200,000! Amidst a changing policy landscape and increased demand for our services, we are deeply grateful to you, our supporters, who have responded and enabled us to remain efficient, effective, and impactful in these trying times.
Now more than ever, access to justice is critical for our clients. Your contribution to the 10th Annual La Mancha Awards will bring light to the darkness for those we serve: unaccompanied children, immigrant victims of domestic violence and human trafficking, and asylum seekers fleeing persecution.
We thank you for your belief in our good work, and thank you in advance for your transformational support! We look forward to celebrating with you as we honor some of our most devoted volunteers and supporters.
Below, please watch a video highlighting our 2016 Pro Bono Law Firm of the Year: Latham & Watkins LLP. This year we look forward to honoring dedicated volunteers and supporters yet again!