Casa Cornelia's Attorneys Who Care Campaign

Donate today to ensure quality pro bono representation for victims of human rights violations from around the world.

Casa Cornelia's Attorneys Who Care Campaign image


raised towards $25,000 goal




Donate today to ensure quality pro bono representation for victims of human rights violations from around the world.

We need your donation today continue our pro bono program for years to come!

Refugees from all over the world flee war, ethnic conflict, gang cruelty, and state-sponsored persecution. Some of them reach the U.S. border seeking asylum, yearning to be free from violence while facing extreme poverty, and legal barriers.

Our Pro Bono Program, which recruits, trains, and mentors volunteer attorneys to provide the most effective legal response to these vulnerable individuals—detained or living in fear while hiding in the shadows of our society.

Your donation to the Attorneys Who Care campaign will help fund the Pro Bono Program and its essential legal trainings, recruitment efforts, and staff mentorship of volunteer lawyers who are not experts in immigration and/or asylum law but are passionate about ensuring access to justice for children, women, and men who struggle daily to survive.

Please make a donation today! Your contribution will ensure quality, free legal services for victims of human rights violations from around the world. This year we received a challenge grant to raise $50,000. The only way we are able to receive this funding is through your supporting donation.

*Name and photograph have been changed to protect client confidentiality.